Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An Introduction

It is time the adults of today take being a grown-up into their own hands. Rarely is today's youth taught anything about adulthood. Sure, aged stories of the need for increased responsibility in adulthood, garnished with nostalgic recitations of the better days, tossed with the dressing of hope for retirement are frequently passed from a more experienced generation to another, but many are left wondering what meat exists in the metaphorical salad.

Instead of wallowing about the deeper meaning, I say those new to adulthood, or those tired of what adulthood has been, need not worry, because we are grown-ups now, and it is our turn to decide what that means. We need not fall into the common adult routine. It is possible to continue having the same feeling of happiness and fun we had when we were children and adolescents without shirking the responsibility of the real world, and I am determined to prove it.

My inspiration comes from a simple comic created by Randall Munroe at xkcd.com, which can be found here. We have a lot to learn from the young lady.

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